What Is A Surrogate Mother?

A woman who consents to carry a child for another woman unable to conceive for her reasons, whether financial or otherwise, is known as a “surrogate mother.” To put it another way, she acts as a “substitute mother,” conceiving, carrying, and giving birth on another woman’s behalf. She is then recognized as the “legitimate” social and legal child’s mother. Even though surrogacy has already grown to be a significant industry in western nations, it has also presented the legal system with numerous difficulties because it gives motherhood a third meaning. Similar to adoption, surrogacy distinguishes between the legal concept of the natural mother and the function of the mother in raising children.

However, with gestational surrogacy, the latter is divided into the responsibilities of the biological mother and birth mother, leaving two women with genetic ties to the kid. It is certainly not advisable to embrace surrogacy as a different method of procreation because it has a tendency to commodify and degrade people. Because of all the difficulties, it presents in terms of the law, society, and psychology.

There are two kinds of surrogate mothers:

  • Traditional Surrogate

Insemination with the father’s sperm occurs artificially in a woman. The infant is subsequently delivered and given to you and your spouse to nurture.

A traditional surrogate is the baby’s biological mom. This is a result of the father’s sperm fertilizing the egg. Sperm from donors can also be applied.

  • Gestational Surrogate

These days, it is feasible to collect eggs from the mother, fertilize them with sperm from the father or a sperm donor, and then transfer the embryo into the uterus of a gestational surrogate. This procedure is known as IVF.

After then, the surrogate gives birth to the child. Since their egg was not used, they are not related genetically to the child. The phrase “birth mother” refers to a gestational surrogate. Nevertheless, the woman whose egg was fertilized remains the biological mother.

Gestational surrogacy is a less complicated legal situation in the US. This is because the newborn has genetic links to both intended parents. Gestational surrogacy has so surpassed traditional surrogacy in terms of popularity. Gestational surrogacy results in the birth of about 750 infants annually.

What Types Of People Are Thinking About Surrogacy?

There are some reasons why a woman would think about using a surrogate:

  • Medical problems with the uterus.
  • Hysterectomy.
  • Heart diseases.

If you attempted becoming pregnant using different assisted reproductive treatments, such as IVF but were unsuccessful, you might want to consider surrogacy. People who might not be allowed to adopt a child due to their age or marital status now have a choice in becoming parents, thanks to surrogates.

If two gay men choose to utilize a traditional surrogate, one of them artificially inseminates the surrogate to fertilize the egg. Following that, the surrogate gives birth to the child. An alternative option for a gay couple is to select an egg donor, fertilize the donated egg, and have the embryo placed in a gestational surrogate to bear the child to term.

Are you looking for an agency that offers surrogacy near you? Contact California Surrogacy Agency today!

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