How Much is Surrogacy in California?

Couples who have attempted to conceive naturally for how many years but have been unsuccessful may be able to receive assistance depending on where they live. You need to keep in mind which state you live in. Infertility is not usually covered by most insurance plans. Infertility treatments, especially IVF, are very expensive, which is why insurance companies generally don’t cover them. Since insurance companies work together with state lawmakers, the results are all too evident.

California Surrogacy Agency provides clients with information about surrogacy. The cost of gestational surrogacy is high for most families. We offer a variety of resources, including flexible financing options, to make the surrogacy process easier for you. There are factors to consider that can have a significant effect on the surrogacy cost. You can contact us if you would like to learn more about your financial options.

Understanding that each state has its own regulations and rules before calculating potential surrogacy costs is very important. A legal hurdle or two may need to be jumped through in certain states, as well as following certain procedures after childbirth. Fortunately, California is one of the most surrogate-friendly states in the nation. Although all types of parents are eligible to apply for surrogacy in California, the state also proclaims that hiring a surrogate is the most competitive market in the country, which means the cost can be much higher than in other places.

Estimated Surrogacy Costs in California


The cost of surrogacy includes the expenses of IVF, as well as the time and services of the gestational carrier, legal fees, and possible agency fees. This online platform provides resources, tools, and content to make the fertility treatment process less complicated.

An aspiring parent should be aware of some typical surrogacy costs:

  • Fees for medical services

Surrogacy involves an intense set of medical procedures. Medical screenings, IVF procedures, pregnancy tests, and labor and delivery fees are all included. Tests and procedures including bloodwork, hormone injections, and other screenings and tests will be performed on surrogates. The cost of IVF alone can range from $8,000 to $30,000.

These costs may continue to rise if you use donor eggs or donor sperm. Depending on your policy, your insurance may cover certain expenses such as egg retrieval, but not the surrogate. Having an idea of these fees and knowing what your health insurance will cover is important.

  • Agent commissions

It is not the responsibility of fertility clinics to find surrogates. An agency or personal connection may be able to refer parents to a carrier. Several of these organizations have a network of approved surrogates. It is common for agencies to require a retainer of between $15,000 and $30,000.

  • Costs associated with insurance

A surrogate’s health insurance can be a potential expense. Private insurance policies for surrogates do not typically cover surrogacy. Alternatively, you can find a health insurance plan through the Affordable Care Act or on the private market.

  • Surrogate fee

It can be quite expensive to hire a gestational carrier. To start a family, you require the woman to undergo medical procedures, pregnancies, labor, and deliveries. The surrogate may be compensated in the range of $30,000 to $50,000.

  • The legal fees

There are many legal aspects to surrogacy. Different states have different surrogacy laws, and some do not recognize them. To ensure that everyone has the same understanding of how the pregnancy will proceed, it is crucial to have legal paperwork completed correctly before pregnancy starts. Legal fees can range from $15,000 to $20,000.

The California Surrogacy Agency has a team of renowned healthcare professionals. Our presence in California allows us to provide you with the patience and understanding you need for your questions and concerns about surrogacy. Providing you with information about medical procedures and what to expect as a new parent, we provide you with a solid foundation of industry knowledge and state regulations.

Are you looking for a surrogacy agency in California? Contact us today!

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