How Long Does the Surrogacy Process Take?

Once you decide to become a surrogate, the first question that may pop into your mind is, “how long will the surrogacy process take?” Surrogacy is a process that has many stages. The intended parents and the surrogate both need time to prepare. They will need to plan the nursery and travel, pack the car, and prepare emotionally for the baby’s arrival.

The process begins with the medical screening of the surrogate. It can take several weeks to complete. This process includes reviewing the surrogate’s pregnancy and delivery records. The agency will have to coordinate with multiple hospitals and OBGYN offices to determine the surrogate’s past pregnancy and delivery. After completing these steps, the agency will match the surrogates with the intended parents. The agency will spend time getting to know each surrogate.

The next stage of the surrogacy process is embryo transfer. Depending on the clinic, this process can take two to three weeks. The gestational carrier will receive hormone medication and undergo a few pre-transfer monitoring appointments. An ultrasound will be conducted several weeks after the transfer to confirm the pregnancy.

After the intended parents complete an application, the agency will review the information and assess the applicant. This process is designed to help the agency build a strong relationship with both parties. After the agency approves the intended parents, they can begin searching for a surrogate mother. Finding the right surrogacy opportunity is a critical first step.

Once a surrogate has been found, the next stage is the baby-making phase. This process is known as IVF. The average cycle is between four and six weeks long. The gestational surrogate receives hormones to control her bike and prepare her body for the embryo. If the biological mother has not prepared a source in advance, the process of her birth mother may also be synchronized. Many factors affect the success rate of IVF. If a surrogate is accepted, she will undergo a criminal background check.

While the match between a surrogate can take a month or less, the actual process can take up to a year or two. The duration of the surrogacy process can be longer or shorter, depending on the location of the surrogacy.

The embryo transfer itself is a quick procedure without anesthesia. Once the embryo has been transferred, a blood test will confirm pregnancy. Once the pregnancy has been confirmed, payment of the base compensation will begin. During this time, the intended parents may also use the egg donor of their partner to make the process easier and faster.

Surrogates must undergo medical and psychological screening. This process typically takes six to twelve months. While the time frame can vary, it is well worth the wait. The surrogate will need to apply to the agency. It’s important to remember that surrogacy agencies will always try to match a surrogate with the appropriate intended parents as quickly as possible.

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